50 Relax Quotes to Help You Unwind & Find Peace

We understand that school, work, or life, in general, can get pretty tiring, so here are some great relax quotes to help you out!

Every day, we hustle and grind toward our goals in life. This isn’t a bad quality, and in fact, working hard for our dreams is a must.

However, as people say, too much of anything can be harmful.

If we only work and don’t take the time to relax, destress, and do things we love and enjoy, it will lead to burnout and demotivation.

Like everything else, we must find a balance between work and play, and of course, with rest, too!

Some may think that taking a break is detrimental to progress. However, relaxation is essential for us to work productively and improve.

So, to get a better understanding of this topic, continue reading our list of relax quotes.

We’re sure you’ll pick up some valuable pieces of insights from this collection.

Continue reading here.

And don’t forget to check out these inner peace quotes.

Best Relax Quotes

1. “Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.” – William Burroughs

2. “Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.” – Ude Ibiam Ufiem

3. “Your calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges. So relax!” – Bryat Megill.

4. “Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths.” – Etty Hillesum

5. “Sometimes the best solution is to rest, relax, and recharge. It’s hard to be your best on empty.” – Sam Glenn

Famous Relax Quotes

6. “Sometimes, the most productive thing that you can do is to step outside and do nothing. Relax and enjoy nature.” – Melanie Charlene

7. “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes―including you.” – Anne Lamott

8. “Once you get to that point when you can just be yourself and relax, I just think that you’re so much happier in general.” – Jacqueline Emerson

9. “Don’t underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.” – A.A. Milne

10. “Home is often a place where we put on our most comfortable clothes, sit in our most comfortable spot, and completely let go and relax.” – Dicken Bettinger

Also read: Famous Quotes

Relax Quotes to Calm You

11. “Relax and take a deep breath. No one else knows what they’re doing either.” – Ricky Gervais

12. “Give your stress wings and let it fly away.” – Terri Guillemets

13. “It’s really okay to charge up your battery because if you don’t you will run out of energy and power.” – Dyea Smith

14. “In the midst of any stressful situation, say or think of a series of statements such as, ‘Stay calm. Everything’s okay. You’ve handled worse before. Relax and take a deep breath. Take it step by step and don’t rush. I can get help if I need it.” – Amy E. Dean

15. “To have moments of calm―creative or restful―is a form of deep sustenance for human beings of all ages. Relationships are often built in these pauses, in the incidental moments, when nothing much is going on.” – Kim John Payne

Also read: Karma Quotes

Relax Quotes That’ll Bring Peace to Your Mind

16. “You need to empty your mind, and relax each other’s muscle group until you feel peace like you are going to melt into the floor.” – Kasie West

17. “Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that’s very important for good health.” – Dalai Lama

18. “If you can stay in a tranquil state and calm down your mind and relax for some time, you can send positive suggestions to your subconscious mind and completely change your behavior patterns and change various habits. This is the power of your mind.” – James Stafford

19. “Remember that in order to be productive, you also have to focus on relaxation.” – Bogdan Ivanov

Also read: Balance Quotes

Short Relax Quotes to Help You Recharge

20. “The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.” – Sydney Harris

21. “Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.” – Ovid

22. “The more relaxed you can get, the better you’ll do.” – Isaac Mizrahi

23. “Turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream.” – John Lennon

24. “Ah! There is nothing like staying at home, for real comfort.” – Jane Austen

Relax Quotes for Everyone Who Needs a Break

25. “Doing something positive will help turn your mood around. When you smile, your body relaxes. When you experience human touch and interaction, it eases tension in your body.” – Simone Elkeles

26. “It is nice finding that place where you can just go and relax.” – Moises Arias

27. “I’ve decided to be happy because it is good for my health.” – Voltaire

28. “Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you.” – John De Paola

29. “Although it is important that we be productive citizens and put in time at work, maybe we need to respect the importance of leisure time and relaxation a little more.” – Sage Wilcox

30. “Stress is a major cause of graying hair and generally causes us to age faster. Take time out of your busy schedule and relax more.” – Sofie K.

Wise Relax Quotes to Live By

31. “You must know ahead of time; there will be setbacks. When they come, relax! This is the key to getting back on track quickly and stay on track longer.” – Tamara Tilleman

32. “Don’t make things too complicated. Try to relax, enjoy every moment, get used to everything.” – Angelique Kerber

33. “It’s a good idea always to do something relaxing prior to making an important decision in your life.” – Paulo Coelho

34. “Learn to relax. Your body is precious, as it houses your mind and spirit. Inner peace begins with a relaxed body.” – Norman Vincent Peale

35. “Each one of us needs to find that special person or thing that provides the necessary moments for calm, for stress reduction, for motivation, and for inspiration. Your time to find that special vehicle is now; you never know when you’ll need a little bit of comfort and relaxation.” – Catherine Pulsifer

36. “While you may have many other responsibilities in life like your family, work, school, or relationships, you should also learn to relax and play.” – Christopher Michaels

Relax Quotes to Help You Unwind

37. “One of the easiest ways to reduce your stress and unwind after a difficult day, or even on a day-to-day basis, is to do something that makes you laugh.” – Rebecca Turner

38. “For fast-acting relief, try slowing down.” – Lily Tomlin

39. “If you are around others who are funny and lighthearted, you are more likely to find yourself relaxed and enjoying a good laugh.” – Ace McCloud

40. “When you feel anger beginning to build up inside of you, let your whole body droop and relax to the best of your ability while beginning to breathe slowly from the diaphragm. Breathing in this way helps to calm both the body and the mind which leads to letting go of anger before it takes hold.” – Marge Powers

Relax Quotes That Will Make You Think

41. “When someone tells me to ‘just relax,’ I wonder why they don’t hand me a book?” – Richelle E. Goodrich

42. “Loafing needs no explanation and is its own excuse.” – Christopher Morley

43. “We are told many times that we need to relax more, but yet, no one really tells us how we can relax.” – Heather Rose

44. “Relaxation is essential for life, and knowledge about its importance can be found in all cultures and all centuries.” – Dr. Patrizia Collard

More Relax Quotes and Sayings

45. “Action done totally brings relaxation; relaxation done totally brings more action.” – Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

46. “Every now and then, go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work, your judgment will be surer.” – Leonardo da Vinci

47. “How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then to rest afterward.” – Spanish Proverb

48. “Resting and relaxing is a gift you cannot refuse! The tranquil grace, and sobering peace. Listen quietly, as the beauty is released!” – Betty R. James

49. “Man is so made that he can only find relaxation from one kind of labor by taking up another.” – Anatole France

50. “Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.” – John Lubbock

Do You Drown Yourself in Never-Ending Work?

There are many qualities we need to have in order to reach the top. While perseverance, hard work, and dedication are among them, we shouldn’t forget about rest, too. Knowing when to stop and take the time to relax is, after all, essential to progressing and improving.

How effective do you think you’ll be at work if you work yourself to the bone every day? Sometimes, working smart is better than working hard. Working till the wee hours of the morning doesn’t always mean you get the job done.

Also, keep in mind that life is to be lived and enjoyed. Though working on what we love can be fun, just imagine how enjoyable it would be to spend some time alone or with your family. Take vacations or even short walks in the park―discover what the world has to offer outside of work and school.

With that, we hope you were able to recognize just how important relaxation is in life. Take a breather, and always find a good balance between the different aspects of your life.

How do you balance work, play, and relaxation? Did you learn any tips and tricks from this list of relax quotes? Join the discussion below.

Karen Danao

Hi, I’m Karen, a content curator and writer for Quote Ambition; I’m also a marketing and advertising professional. Beyond the keyboard and the screen, I’m someone who’s out to enjoy every bit that life has to offer!

Poetry, philosophy, history, and movies are all topics I love writing about! However, my true passion is in traveling, photography, and finding common ground to which everyone from different cultures can relate.

With the many places I’ve been to, I found that love, inspiration, and happiness are some things that bring people together. No matter how different we are on the outside, I’m a true believer that our emotions don’t lie; if you dig deep into our psyche, we’re all the same inside.

This belief was further amplified when I joined Quote Ambition. Through the quotes I’ve read, collected, organized, and written about, I found that humans are resilient, creative, and compassionate.

We take from each others’ hearts and courage, and it’s through our individual experiences that we learn how to rise above our challenges and pain. In so many ways, Quote Ambition is a platform that allows people from all over the world to gain the inspiration they need anytime, anywhere!

You can find me on MuckRack and LinkedIn.