25 Space Jam Quotes for Those Afraid to Ask For Help

Here is a collection of our favorite Space Jam quotes that will push you to work with other people!

In this animated comedy, Bugs Bunny and the Looney Tunes gang are taken by the Nerdlucks to become a new attraction at an alien theme park. To save themselves, they challenge them to a basketball game and get help from the basketball superstar, Michael Jordan.

They abduct Michael Jordan and explain their situation to him. At first, he is reluctant to help, but he eventually agrees. Through his help, they could defeat the Nerdlucks and return to Earth together. 

Space Jam allows us to better grasp the impact we can get from others’ help. To learn more about the topic, read through to the end of our list below!

Check out the complete list below.

And don’t miss out these The Replacements quotes.

Best Space Jam Quotes

1. “Thanks, guys, you got a lot of—a lot of—well, whatever it is, you got a lot of it.” – Michael Jordan 

2. “Mommy, I don’t want to go to school today. I wanna stay home and bake cookies with you!” – Daffy Duck

3. “You ever heard of the Dream Team? Well, we’re the Mean Team.” – Nerdluck Pound

4. “C’mon, Michael! It’s game time! Get your Hanes on, lace up your Nikes, grab your Wheaties and your Gatorade, and we’ll pick up a Big Mac on the way to the ballpark.” – Stan Podolak

5. Charles Barkley: “It was this little girl, five-foot-nuthin’. She blocked my shot!”

Psychiatrist: “When did you first start having this dream?”

Charles Barkley: “It wasn’t a dream; it really happened!”

6. Bugs Bunny: “You wanna play a little one-on-one, doll?”

Lola Bunny: “Doll—don’t ever call me ‘doll.'”

7. “Maybe there is no intelligent life out in the universe after all.” – Bugs Bunny

8. “Not real? lf l weren’t real, could l do this?” – Bugs Bunny

Space Jam Quotes That’ll Amuse You

9. Daffy Duck: “How’s this for a new team name: The Ducks!”

Bugs Bunny: “Please! What kind of Mickey Mouse organization would name their team The Ducks?”

Daffy Duck: “So, sue me! It’s just a suggestion.”

10. Daffy Duck: “You think she’s got enough toys?”

Bugs Bunny: “Speaking of toys, remember those mugs and t-shirts and lunchboxes with our pictures on ’em?”

Daffy Duck: “Yeah.”

Bugs Bunny: “You ever see any money from all that stuff?”

Daffy Duck: “Hah, not a cent!”

Bugs Bunny: “Hmm—me neither.”

Daffy Duck: “It’s a crying shame. We gotta get new agents; we’re gettin’ screwed!”

11. Bill Murray: “It’s ’cause I’m white, isn’t it?”

Michael Jordan: “No. Larry’s white, so what?”

Bill Murray: “Larry’s not white. Larry’s clear.”

12. Bugs Bunny: “We need your help!”

Michael Jordan: “Yeah, but I’m a baseball player now!”

Bugs Bunny: “Right. And I’m a Shakespearean actor.”

13. “Ooh, I tawt—I taw—I did, I did see Michael Jordan!” – Tweety Bird

14. “I promise I’ll never swear again. I’ll never get another technical. I’ll never trash talk—I won’t go out with Madonna again.” – Charles Barkley

Space Jam Quotes That’ll Never Leave Your Mind 

15. Bugs Bunny: “Look at our facilities.”

Daffy Duck: “We’ve got hoops!”

Elmer Fudd: “We’ve got weights!”

Sylvester the Cat: “We’ve got balls!”

Michael Jordan: “You sure do. This place is a mess.”

16. Michael Jordan: “Someone has to go to my house and pick up my basketball gear.”

Daffy Duck: “To your house? In 3-D land?”

17. “Too bad you can’t practice getting taller, boys.” – Daffy Duck

18. Michael Jordan: “Whatever you do, don’t forget my North Carolina shorts.”

Daffy Duck: “Your shorts? From college?”

Michael Jordan: “I wore them under my Chicago Bulls uniform every game.”

19. “Oh, fear clutches my breast!” – Daffy Duck

More Space Jam Quotes for Those Who Love Cartoons

20. Larry Johnson: “Y’know, maybe there is nothin’ wrong with us; maybe it’s just in our heads.”

Muggsy Bogues: “Yeah, we’re all right. It’s just some psychosomatic deal or something to do with the alignment of the Moon or another planet.”

21. Michael Jordan: “Okay, somebody steal the ball, give it to me, and I’ll score before time runs out.”

Bill Murray: “Don’t lose that confidence, okay, paws and wings in here, all right!”

22. “Those Monstars wish they’d been never born!” – Tweety Bird

23. “C’mon, Michael. Let me help. I’m not very tall, but I’m slow.” – Stan Podolak

24. Michael Jordan: “What’s going on here?”

Bugs Bunny: “Why Michael, l thought you’d never ask! You see, these aliens come from outer space, and they want to make us slaves in their theme park. Eh, what do we care? They’re little, so we challenge them to a basketball game. But then they show up, and they ain’t so little; they’re huge! We need to beat these guys ’cause they’re talking about slavery! They’re gonna make us do stand-up comedy! The same jokes, every night, for all eternity! We’re gonna be locked up like wild animals and then trotted out to perform for a bunch of lowbrow, bug-eyed, fat-headed, humor-challenged aliens! Eh, what I’m trying to say is—we need your help!”

25. Daffy Duck: “Just how did you get here, anyway?”

Bill Murray: “Producer’s a friend of mine. He sent a Teamster to drop me off.”

Daffy Duck: “Aha. Well, that’s the way it goes.”

Do You Have Someone to Turn To?

Life is full of challenges. Sometimes, we might encounter situations wherein we need to ask for someone’s help. But, it’s not that easy; it depends on whether we have someone to turn to or if we have the courage to ask for it.

In Space Jam, Bugs Bunny and the Looney Tunes gang were given back their freedom because they had defeated their opponents. This would not have been possible if they didn’t ask Michael Jordan for help. Without their teamwork, they might not have been able to return to our planet.

This is precisely why having people to turn to and having the ability and confidence to ask for help are essential. It can be challenging to be vulnerable and dependent, but having someone to back you up makes a lot of difference. Without someone to turn to, facing life’s trials would be unbearable and impossible.

As humans, we might want to win and overcome our challenges independently. However, we must remember that humans are social beings, too; we will not thrive and survive on our own.

We hope that these Space Jam quotes were able to remind you that there’s no shame in asking for help when you need it. So, be open and honest whenever you need someone else’s assistance!

Karen Danao

Hi, I’m Karen, a content curator and writer for Quote Ambition; I’m also a marketing and advertising professional. Beyond the keyboard and the screen, I’m someone who’s out to enjoy every bit that life has to offer!

Poetry, philosophy, history, and movies are all topics I love writing about! However, my true passion is in traveling, photography, and finding common ground to which everyone from different cultures can relate.

With the many places I’ve been to, I found that love, inspiration, and happiness are some things that bring people together. No matter how different we are on the outside, I’m a true believer that our emotions don’t lie; if you dig deep into our psyche, we’re all the same inside.

This belief was further amplified when I joined Quote Ambition. Through the quotes I’ve read, collected, organized, and written about, I found that humans are resilient, creative, and compassionate.

We take from each others’ hearts and courage, and it’s through our individual experiences that we learn how to rise above our challenges and pain. In so many ways, Quote Ambition is a platform that allows people from all over the world to gain the inspiration they need anytime, anywhere!

You can find me on MuckRack and LinkedIn.