120 Billy Graham Quotes That’ll Bring You Salvation

If you’re looking for pieces of advice from one of the most famous preachers in the world, then these Billy Graham quotes will surely fit the bill.

As a speaker, preacher, counsel, and author of more than 30 books, he left a legacy that puts his passion for Christ and evangelism in the spotlight.

Our collection boasts of his top 120 quotes that tackle everything from salvation, love, morals, and hope, so be sure you don’t miss out.

Here’s the full collection.

And don’t forget to check out these God quotes.

Best Billy Graham Quotes

Billy Graham Quote - God never takes away something from your life without replacing it with something better.

1. “God never takes away something from your life without replacing it with something better.”

2. “Tears shed for self are tears of weakness, but tears shed for others are a sign of strength.”

3. “We are the Bibles the world is reading; we are the creeds the world is needing. We are the sermons the world is heeding.”

4. “The hard right has no interest in religion except to manipulate it.”

Billy Graham Quote - It is the Holy Spirit's job to convict, God's job to judge, and my job to love.

5. “It is the Holy Spirit’s job to convict, God’s job to judge, and my job to love.”

6. “My home is in Heaven. I’m just traveling through this world.”

7. “A real Christian is the one who can give his pet parrot to the town gossip.”

8. “I’ve read the last page of the Bible. It’s all going to turn out alright.”

9. “The will of God will not take us where the grace of God cannot sustain us.”

Billy Graham Quote - Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion.

10. “Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion. it is like a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ.”

11. “Women need a reason for having sex, men just need a place.”

12. “God has given us two hands—one to receive with and the other to give with. We are not cisterns made for hoarding; we are channels made for sharing.”

13. “When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost.”

14. “Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened.”

Billy Graham Quote - Joy cannot be pursued. It comes from within. It is a state of being.

15. “Joy cannot be pursued. It comes from within. It is a state of being. It does not depend on circumstances, but triumphs over circumstances. It produces a gentleness of spirit and a magnetic personality.”

16. “Many invest wisely in business matters, but fail to invest time and interest in their most valued possessions—their spouses and children.”

17. “The happiness which brings enduring worth to life is not the superficial happiness that is dependent on circumstances. It is the happiness and contentment that fills the soul even in the midst of the most distressing circumstances and the most bitter environment.”

18. “Christ not only died for all, He died for each.”

19. “God’s love for us never fails.”

Billy Graham Quotes on Salvation and the Bible

Billy Graham Quote - Sincerity is the biggest part of selling anything - including the Christian plan of salvation.

20. “‎Sincerity is the biggest part of selling anything—including the Christian plan of salvation.”

21. “Heaven is full of answers for which nobody ever bothered to ask.”

22. “If God were to remove all evil from our world, but somehow leave human beings on the planet, it would mean that the essence of ‘humanness’ would be destroyed. We would become robots.”

23. “Come to Christ while there is still time. Christ, God’s greater Ark, stands ready to welcome you to safety today.”

24. “World events are moving very rapidly now. I pick up the Bible in one hand, and I pick up the newspaper in the other. And I read almost the same words in the newspaper as I read in the Bible. It’s being fulfilled every day around us.”

Billy Graham Quote - We need to encourage new believers to feed on God's Word - it is nourishment for the soul.

25. “We need to encourage new believers to feed on God’s Word—it is nourishment for the soul.”

26. “Reading God’s Word and meditating on its truth will have a purifying effect upon your mind and heart, and will be demonstrated in your life. Let nothing take the place of this daily privilege.”

27. “God cannot clear the guilty until atonement is made. Mercy is what we need and that is what we receive at the foot of the cross.”

28. “The second coming of Christ will be so revolutionary that it will change every aspect of life on this planet.”

29. “Christ will reign in righteousness. Disease will be arrested. Death will be modified. War will be abolished. Nature will be changed. Man will live as it was originally intended he should live.”

Billy Graham Quote - For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

30. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

31. “Every area of our lives is to be under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and that means the searchlight of God’s Word must penetrate every corner of our lives.”

32. “Believe that Christ died for you. He suffered for you. He won the battle over sin for you. He rose from the grave and was victorious over death so that you can live forever.”

33. “I have never known anyone to accept Christ’s redemption and later regret it.”

34. “Salvation is an act of God. It is initiated by God, wrought by God, and sustained by God.”

Billy Graham Quote - Because of the brevity of life, the Bible warns that we should be prepared to meet God at all times.

35. “Because of the brevity of life, the Bible warns that we should be prepared to meet God at all times.”

36. “The Bible tells us that the state of the world will grow darker as we near the end of the age.”

37. “Fear can banish faith, but faith can banish fear.”

38. “We know what the end will be—the triumph of the Lord Jesus Christ!”

39. “Knowing we will be with Christ forever far outweighs our burdens today! Keep your eyes on eternity!”

Billy Graham Quote - We need to fortify ourselves with the Word of God.

40. “We need to fortify ourselves with the Word of God.”

41. “The fact that God is infinite makes the study of His Word a lifetime occupation.”

42. “We are told in Scripture that there will be signs pointing toward the return of the Lord. I believe that we see those signs in the world today. I believe that the coming of the Lord is near.”

43. “Make sure of your salvation by turning your life over to Him now.”

44. “By a simple prayer of faith, you can give your life to Him today.”

Billy Graham Quote - A life without God is like a boat without an anchor.

45. “A life without God is like a boat without an anchor.”

46. “He gets out of trouble when he bows to the divine superiority, when he repents and says humbly, ‘God be merciful to me a sinner.’”

47. “God still calls immorality a sin and the Bible says God is going to judge it.”

48. “Don’t be bound by the past and its failures, but don’t forget its lessons either.”

49. “God can break the chain of every sin that binds you if you are willing to give it up. He comes into your heart and gives you power to overcome sin.”

Billy Graham Quotes on God and Love

Billy Graham Quote - Only God can give us a selfless love for others, as the Holy Spirit changes us from within. This is one reason we must receive Christ, for apart from His Spirit we can never be freed from the chains of selfishness, jealousy, and indifference.

50. “Only God can give us a selfless love for others, as the Holy Spirit changes us from within. This is one reason we must receive Christ, for apart from His Spirit we can never be freed from the chains of selfishness, jealousy, and indifference. Will others see Christ’s love in your life today?”

51. “God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, ‘I love you.’”

52. “God created us with the capacity to love.”

53. “Love is based upon one’s right to choose to love.”

54. “We cannot force others to love us.”

Billy Graham Quote - We can make them serve us or obey us, but true love is founded upon one's freedom to choose to respond.

55. “We can make them serve us or obey us, but true love is founded upon one’s freedom to choose to respond.”

56. “Our relationship must be right with God before it can be right with man.”

57. “Compassion is not complete in itself, but must be accompanied by inflexible justice and wrath against sin and a desire for holiness.”

58. “Evil is real, but so is God’s power and love.”

59. “Our Father and our God, You have made each of us unique and special.”

Billy Graham Quote - I often wonder if God, in His sovereignty, allows the eyesight of the aged to cast a dim view of the here and now.

60. “I often wonder if God, in His sovereignty, allows the eyesight of the aged to cast a dim view of the here and now so that we may focus our spiritual eyes on the ever after.”

61. “Sometimes, life touches one person with a bouquet and another with a thorn bush, but the first may find a wasp in the flowers, and the second may discover roses among the thorns.”

62. “You can have religion but not know Christ. It’s having Christ that counts.”

63. “We should not let a day go by without thanking God for His mercy and grace to us in Jesus Christ.”

64. “Nothing but God ever completely satisfies, because the soul was made for God. Don’t starve your soul.”

Billy Graham Quote - Jesus Christ is God in human flesh, and the story of His life, death, and resurrection is the only Good News the world will ever hear.

65. “Jesus Christ is God in human flesh, and the story of His life, death, and resurrection is the only Good News the world will ever hear.”

66. “Can you see God? You haven’t seen him? I’ve never seen the wind. I see the effects of the wind, but I’ve never seen the wind. There’s a mystery to it.”

67. “Long after you and I are gone, God will still be at work—and many of the things we prayed for will finally come to pass.”

68. “Don’t miss what the Lord has in store for those who love Him and are willing to let Him be the Master of their lives.”

69. “The great comfort in knowing that angels minister to believers in Christ is that God Himself sends them to us.”

Billy Graham Quotes on Character and Morals

Billy Graham Quote - I feel sorry for the man who has never known the bracing thrill of taking a stand and sticking to it fearlessly.

70. “I feel sorry for the man who has never known the bracing thrill of taking a stand and sticking to it fearlessly.”

71. “Moral courage has rewards that timidity can never imagine. Like a shot of adrenaline, it floods the spirit with vitality.”

72. “Self-centered indulgence, pride, and a lack of shame over sin are now emblems of the American lifestyle.”

73. “If God eliminated evil by programming us to perform only good acts, we would lose this distinguishing mark—the ability to make choices.”

74. “All too often, we are more afraid of physical pain than of moral wrong.”

Billy Graham Quote - Golden years must have been coined by the young.

75. “Golden years must have been coined by the young. It is doubtful that anyone over seventy would have described this phase of life with such a symbolic word.”

76. “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.”

77. “Strengthen your commitment to Christ—now. Don’t wait until the storms of temptation, or sickness, or old age threaten to blow you off-course; now is the time to strengthen your faith.”

78. “Make it your goal to build strong foundations for your life—foundations constructed from prayer and the truths of God’s Word.”

79. “The highest form of worship is the worship of unselfish Christian service. The greatest form of praise is the sound of consecrated feet seeking out the lost and helpless.”

Billy Graham Quote - We can't go on much longer morally. We can't go on much longer scientifically. Today, the only bright spot on the horizon of this world is the promise of the coming again of Christ.

80. “We can’t go on much longer morally. We can’t go on much longer scientifically. The technology that was supposed to save us is ready to destroy us. New weapons are being made all the time, including chemical and biological weapons. Today, the only bright spot on the horizon of this world is the promise of the coming again of Christ.”

81. “When worry is present, trust cannot crowd its way in.”

82. “Don’t conform to those who have been overwhelmed by the tide of immorality sweeping our country!”

83. “Guard your tongue, and use it for good instead of evil.”

84. “A harsh word can’t be taken back; no apology can fully repair its damage.”

Billy Graham Quote - Suffering in life can uncover untold depths of character and unknown strength for service.

85. “Suffering in life can uncover untold depths of character and unknown strength for service.”

86. “People of the West have various forms of democracy based on a belief in God as well as on a general acceptance of moral law. However, in practice, we are beginning to resemble the Marxists who have little respect for moral law or religion.”

87. “God’s will is for us to commit our lives to Christ and follow Him. God’s will also is that we avoid sin.”

88. “Far too many young people coming of age today have no spiritual or emotional roots. They have been deprived of values by an agnostic and contemporary culture.”

89. “Repeated disappointment almost always triggers a series of other reactions—discouragement, anger, frustration, bitterness, resentment, even depression. Unless we learn to deal with disappointment, it will rob us of joy and poison our souls.”

Billy Graham Quote - The Christian life isn't a playground but a battlefield.

90. “The Christian life isn’t a playground but a battlefield.”

91. “Your greatest contribution to God’s Kingdom work, and to defeating the enemy’s efforts against this Kingdom, is to keep up your daily devotions. Live a clean, honest, humble, spirit-filled life; trust God to guard and protect you morally, physically, and spiritually; and openly witness for Jesus Christ.”

92. “Don’t be a pawn of the devil, but a servant of Christ.”

93. “Nothing will drive us to our knees quicker than trouble.”

94. “Do you want to know what God’s will is for you? It is for you to become more and more like Christ. This is spiritual maturity, and if you make this your goal, it will change your life.”

Billy Graham Quote - A spirit of thankfulness is one of the most distinctive marks of a Christian whose heart is attuned to the Lord.

95. “A spirit of thankfulness is one of the most distinctive marks of a Christian whose heart is attuned to the Lord.”

96. “Thank God in the midst of trials and every persecution.”

97. “When thanksgiving is filled with true meaning and is not just the formality of a polite ‘thank you,’ it is the recognition of dependence.”

98. “Sinful pleasure can ruin our appetite for the things of God.”

99. “Man cannot control himself, and if he will not be controlled by Jesus Christ, then he will be controlled by Satan.”

Billy Graham Quotes on Hope and and Unity

Billy Graham Quote - The legacy we leave is not just in our possessions, but in the quality of our lives.

100. “The legacy we leave is not just in our possessions, but in the quality of our lives.”

101. “Your faith and hope are in God.”

102. “The greatest waste in all of our earth, which cannot be recycled or reclaimed, is our waste of the time that God has given us each day.”

103. “Heaven gives us hope—hope for today and hope for the future. No matter what we’re facing, we know it is only temporary, and ahead of us is Heaven.”

103. “He lives in the hearts of those who trust in Him. Our confidence in life after death comes from these very truths.”

Billy Graham Quote - Prayer is for every moment of our lives, not just for times of suffering or joy.

105. “Prayer is for every moment of our lives, not just for times of suffering or joy.”

106. “Prayer is really a place—a place where you meet God in genuine conversation.”

107. “I’m not for the left wing or the right wing–I’m for the whole bird.”

108. “It would be tragic for you to persist in your unbelief, and eventually go into eternity without hope and without God.”

109. “The most important events in human history were the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

Billy Graham Quote - Life can become unbalanced, and in the process, God gets pushed to the fringes. Instead of staying at the center of our lives, Christ gradually gets relegated to the <a href=shadows.” class=”wp-image-10058″/>

110. “Life can become unbalanced, and in the process, God gets pushed to the fringes. Instead of staying at the center of our lives, Christ gradually gets relegated to the shadows. Don’t let this happen to you!”

111. “Becoming a Christian takes only a single step; being a Christian means walking with Christ the rest of your life.”

112. “You cannot pray for someone and hate them at the same time. Even if you are asking God to restrain their evil actions, you should also be praying that He will change their hearts. Only eternity will reveal the impact of our prayers for others.”

113. “Only deeply plowed earth can yield bountiful harvests.”

114. “Preach with authority. The authority for us is the Word of God. Preach with simplicity. Preach with urgency. Heaven and hell are at stake. Preach for a decision.”

Billy Graham Quote - We are fallen creatures living in a fallen world that has been twisted and corrupted by sin, and we all share in its brokenness. Most of all, we share in its tragic legacy of disease and death.

115. “We are fallen creatures living in a fallen world that has been twisted and corrupted by sin, and we all share in its brokenness. Most of all, we share in its tragic legacy of disease and death.”

116. “We are, more and more, a minority, and that’s exactly what it was like in the first century.”

117. “One of the bonuses of being a Christian is the glorious hope that extends out beyond the grave into the glory of God’s tomorrow.”

118. “May our prayers today—and every day—be from our hearts and with the focus of our whole being!”

119. “Each generation becomes more addicted to the sedatives of life—to dull the pain of living.”

Billy Graham Quote - The cross gives a new purpose to life.

120. “The cross gives a new purpose to life.”

Did These Billy Graham Quotes Bring You Closer to God?

Bill Graham lived a long life, and in his 99 years, he made sure he devoted each and every second to God. He was an extraordinary figure who people looked up to, and the fact that he counseled 12 consecutive American presidents and even other world leaders proves this fact. He made evangelism and the word of God available to all—all ages, colors, race, cultures, and social classes. He lived a focused life and practiced what he preached; in the end, inspiring millions of people across the world.

Did Billy Graham’s teachings and ideals align with your own beliefs? What did you learn from this collection? Let’s discuss your ideas in the comments section below.

Karen Danao

Hi, I’m Karen, a content curator and writer for Quote Ambition; I’m also a marketing and advertising professional. Beyond the keyboard and the screen, I’m someone who’s out to enjoy every bit that life has to offer!

Poetry, philosophy, history, and movies are all topics I love writing about! However, my true passion is in traveling, photography, and finding common ground to which everyone from different cultures can relate.

With the many places I’ve been to, I found that love, inspiration, and happiness are some things that bring people together. No matter how different we are on the outside, I’m a true believer that our emotions don’t lie; if you dig deep into our psyche, we’re all the same inside.

This belief was further amplified when I joined Quote Ambition. Through the quotes I’ve read, collected, organized, and written about, I found that humans are resilient, creative, and compassionate.

We take from each others’ hearts and courage, and it’s through our individual experiences that we learn how to rise above our challenges and pain. In so many ways, Quote Ambition is a platform that allows people from all over the world to gain the inspiration they need anytime, anywhere!

You can find me on MuckRack and LinkedIn.