120 Maria Felix Quotes on Women, Beauty, and Power

Be empowered and learn about living life as a woman from a femme fatale with these Maria Felix quotes.

Maria Felix was an actress and singer born in Mexico. She was known for being a diva and for her seductive and powerful image in films.

However, her beauty was more than skin deep. Maria Felix had a rugged personality and high self-respect that was empowering for people.

Read the complete collection below to be inspired by her confident and meaningful quotes.

Let’s get started.

And don’t forget to check out these Marilyn Monroe quotes.

Best Maria Felix Quotes

1. “I am a woman with a heart of a man.”

2. “An original woman is not someone that doesn’t imitate someone, but the one that nobody can imitate.” 

3. “People with no ambition never get out of the hole.”

4. “I might be one more woman in your life, but you are one less man in mine.”

5. “There’s a warrior in you.” 

6. “A woman should look down just for one reason, to see how cute her heels look.” 

7. “Everyone will remember me being who I am, what I was, and what I will be.” 

8. “Be yourself. You deserve it.”

9. “I’ve got one message for the women of my country and of the world, I wish they loved themselves like I love myself.”

10. “Don’t give me advice. I can make my own mistakes.”

11. “Don’t be afraid to move on.”

12. “I don’t scream. What happens is that I have the important voice.”

13. “It’s not enough to be pretty. You need to know how to be pretty.” 

14. “A woman is very complicated and difficult. It is a labyrinth where anybody can get lost easily.” 

15. “An intelligent woman doesn’t get sad. She gets pretty.” 

Inspirational Maria Felix Quotes

16. “Money only impresses a vague woman when a woman is hardworking and has her thing. A man by her side is not synonymous of improvement.”

17. “Nobody seduces me. I seduce them.”

18. “It’s okay to be an original.”

19. “Don’t be afraid to let people know you’re a badass.”

20. “I don’t like help. When I ask for it, you can help me.”

21. “Don’t think I’m the Queen Bee. I am the Queen Bee.”

22. “My great satisfaction is to have done everything that I wanted and made them happen, not just in dreams.”

23. “Within my battles, I don’t mention success because that didn’t cost me anything, although I have fought to not believe it.”

24. “I’m more of a bitch than a pretty one, and look, I’m very pretty.”

25. “They say that men should have initiative, but in my life, I’ve taken it.”

26. “Nobody impresses me with a price, but with the results.”

27. “Better to cause envy than pity.”

28. “If you are just as hated as admired, you are beautiful. Get used to it. There are some that are only hated, and they die to be admired.”

29. “Leave the dead in peace, the ones inside can’t get out, and the ones that are out don’t want to go in.”

30. “Diva is something invented, but I was not fabricated. Life made me and made me very well.”

Maria Felix Quotes to Show You That Women Are Powerful 

31. “Women will never be like men, even though some men have a woman’s heart.”

32. “The dirt is very close to the poor.”

33. “Women like to kiss like men, do business like men, and to be treated like men, but I don’t think they are correct.”

34. “Women don’t know how to drive cars because they are made to drive men.”

35. “Don’t feel bad if someone rejects you. Normal people reject the expensive because they can’t afford it.” 

36. “Women have a place in life, and when they try to act like men, they look fatal.”

37. “An ex is not worth more than a few days of tears.”

38. “If he left and then he comes back, it’s that nobody wanted the beggar dog.”

39. “This is a man’s world, made for and by men. What surprises me nowadays is that women allow themselves to be abused. Dummies!”

40. “The most serious mistake for many women is opening a man’s heart when they’re alone and not when they’re ready.”

41. “Beauty is a concept forged by everyone else. They value you or disregard you. They protect you or destroy you.”

42. “Fight for a man? Why? There are too many!”

43. “From a man, I expect flattery, promises, declarations of love. What I don’t expect is for them to shine at my expense.”

44. “A guy said to me, ‘You can’t live without me.’ I said, ‘Please, nor that you were the best thing in the world and I deserved so little.'”

45. “With so many interests in life, I never get bored. That is my beauty secret, the curiosity and the joy for life.”

Maria Felix Quotes That Will Push You to Be Stronger

46. “Beauty gives you everything, but it is not everything.”

47. “Try to go over me, and you will know who I am.”

48. “Obviously, I have a soul. Just because someone as blind as you can’t see it doesn’t mean I don’t have one.”

49. “You don’t need to be perfect as long as you don’t make any mistakes.”

50. “My enemies are many and bad. My friends are few and good.”

51. “If someone is young inside, that naturally reflects in the exterior beauty.”

52. “Success can be reached by many people. Celebrity touches you and is with you forever.”

53. “People console themselves thinking that if they are not doing well here, they will have a good time in paradise. I would like for people to enjoy life, just in case there isn’t another.”

54. “Stupidity is contagious.”

55. “The only job that I’ve had had in life has been to learn because I started without knowing anything.”

56. “It is fundamental to learn the power of imagination.”

57. “Don’t hope for the future when the present is not safe either.”

58. “I have been a winner everywhere that I go. I have always liked to win, and it’s not easy to win in a foreign country.”

59. “I always have a book close by because reading is the mental gym.”

60. “I’d rather bе a bitсh than be thе fool in аnу ѕtоrу.”

Maria Felix Quotes on Love

61. “The most important word in the dictionary is ‘love.'”

62. “Jealousy is the children of love. However, they are bastards.”

63. “The best way to love someone is to accept them how they are. That is what I do with Antoine. It’s not easy, but to only love idiots is easy.”

64. “I have never loved someone as much as they have loved me.”

65. “Whoever has not suffered from love doesn’t know how to love.”

Sassy Maria Felix Quotes to Bring Out the Badass Inside You

66. “If the one who criticizes you is ugly. It doesn’t count!”

67. “Talking about myself is difficult. To talk about myself is severe because I am better than what I appear to be.” 

68. “Some friends told me that pearls make people cry. The only pearls that have made me cry are false pearls.”

69. “If all the men were as ugly as you, I would be a lesbian.”

70. “Flowers are a bad business. They last for a day, and you need to thank them for a month.”

71. “I have been too busy living my life that I have not had time to count.” 

72. “In life, I believe that success is inferior to a celebrity.”

73. “Many times, I shut my dad’s mouth. Why wouldn’t I tell a priest to be quiet?”

74. “The stars of today don’t have the star power, and actresses of today are disposable, models that don’t even know how to speak.”

75. “Getting married so a man can buy me stockings is horrible.”

76. “Sometimes, I’d like to be a submissive, selfless person, but I remember becoming a bitch in self-defense, and I get over it.”

77. “I always say what I think and that has caused dislike in me.”

78. “Stupid people are not the problem, but stupid people that also have initiative.”

79. “I don’t have a voice to sing, but I have a good style.”

80. “A man must be mourned for three days, and in the room, you put on new heels and clothes.”

Wise Maria Felix Quotes That Are Filled With Lessons

81. “Money is not happiness, but it’s better to cry in a Ferrari.”

82. “Since the beginning of time, men have taken the best part of the cake.”

83. “Money doesn’t give you happiness, but it does help calm one’s nerves.”

84. “A bed is a divine piece of furniture where people can’t hide who they are.”

85. “If I thought all day about everything that has been said about since I could reason, I would be unhappy.”

86. “If you hang with fools, you will be saying foolish things later.”

87. “The worst enemy I have conquered was depression because it was inside me. It was a battle between the mind and the heart.”

88. “All of us should sweep and clean the same way we clean the city. We should clean ourselves because we are very filthy lately.”

89. “I саnnоt соmрlаin about mеn. I hаvе hаd tons оf them аnd thеу hаvе treated mе fаbulоuѕlу well. But ѕоmеtimеѕ, I hаd to hurt thеm tо kеер thеm frоm ѕubjugаting me.”

90. “You don’t investigate an actress. You invent something about them.”

91. “I can have my desires and capriciousness without affecting anybody, but the desires of a President can ruin a whole country.”

92. “My selfishness has consisted in rejecting movies, friendships, marriage proposals that weren’t in my best interest. That is why we need to have cold blood take over our feelings.”

93. “In movies and in life, to seduce is more important than to be liked.”

94. “To think about existence doesn’t make what doesn’t exist, exist.”

95. “Hair to women is a medium to express ourselves. It’s not true that with black hair, women show their arrogance and disdain.”

Maria Felix Quotes and One-Liners That Will Leave an Impression on You

96. “Sexy is a man that one wants to make love to when you see him dressed.”

97. “The original ‘You complete me.'”

98. “With the lights off, the voice is what touches you.”

99. “I am not used to lying, not even to defend myself.”

100. “I love my country, and I’ve wanted to represent it with dignity worldwide.”

101. “A mirror never lies.”

102. “I only have a bad memory of you and a great residence.”

103. “The quality has been lost.”

104. “A ring can’t buy my kisses. I give them when I want.”

105. “I think that he knew he was sick, and he wanted to have a great year.”

Maria Felix Quotes to Give You a Glimpse of Her Personal Life

106. “The metro in Mexico City is mine. My husband, Alex Berger, gave it to me.”

107. “I have never judged lesbians and gays. What they do from the waist down, it’s their business, not mine.”

108. “My job has been to be attractive.”

109. “Everyone wants to know about me, even my enemies.”

110. “I have an infinite admiration for intelligent men.”

111. “My first and only birth was horrible, a true massacre. No human deserves such pain.”

112. “I’ve been very much abused, mistreated, thrown from the stairs, pinched, everything, but in the movies.”

113. “Others have seen less and paid more.”

114. “I’ve always had a beautiful man’s voice.”

115. “I am not nostalgic, and I don’t like to think about the past, but I have unbearable memory.”

116. “When I was little, my mother always said to me, ‘First, number one then, number two.'”

117. “What do you want me to do? I can’t be ugly.”

118. “I have never gotten drunk because it looks like I am drunk all the time.”

119. “You have more time in the business. You should know who you need to sleep with to become a star.”

120. “I likе thе dark аnd сhillеd atmosphere. Thе оwnеr аnd bartenders are аmаzing, and thеу hаvе grеаt ѕресiаlѕ оn drinkѕ.”

Did These Maria Felix Quotes Show You How You Have the Power to Do Whatever You Want if You Just Put Your Heart and Soul Into It?

Maria Felix was a woman who did what she wanted and never let any man disrespect her. In her early career, she was a fresh image that defied the patriarchal expectations of a woman.

Before, the image of females was boxed in the roles of homemakers and being submissive to the males. Maria Felix was one of the women who broke the rules and fantasies of men. She showed everyone how powerful it is to be a woman and to own yourself.

So, be strong enough to go and do what you want and what will make you happy! We hope that this collection was able to push you to start taking your life into your own hands.

Which Maria Felix quote is your personal favorite and why? Comment your answer below.

Karen Danao

Hi, I’m Karen, a content curator and writer for Quote Ambition; I’m also a marketing and advertising professional. Beyond the keyboard and the screen, I’m someone who’s out to enjoy every bit that life has to offer!

Poetry, philosophy, history, and movies are all topics I love writing about! However, my true passion is in traveling, photography, and finding common ground to which everyone from different cultures can relate.

With the many places I’ve been to, I found that love, inspiration, and happiness are some things that bring people together. No matter how different we are on the outside, I’m a true believer that our emotions don’t lie; if you dig deep into our psyche, we’re all the same inside.

This belief was further amplified when I joined Quote Ambition. Through the quotes I’ve read, collected, organized, and written about, I found that humans are resilient, creative, and compassionate.

We take from each others’ hearts and courage, and it’s through our individual experiences that we learn how to rise above our challenges and pain. In so many ways, Quote Ambition is a platform that allows people from all over the world to gain the inspiration they need anytime, anywhere!

You can find me on MuckRack and LinkedIn.