45 DJ Khaled Quotes to Guide You on the Path to Success

Here are the top 45 DJ Khaled quotes that will help you pave the way toward greatness and a more fulfilled life!

Khaled Mohammed Khaled, famous across the globe as DJ Khaled, is an American DJ and record producer.

Unless you live under a rock, you’ve probably heard of some of his hits like Borracho, I’m On One, and Wild Thoughts. He’s also known for his collaborations with other successful artists like Rihanna, Drake, and many more.

It wasn’t easy for DJ Khaled to reach the top.

But, he persisted and worked through the ups and downs of the industry to achieve his goals. His unique musical style and profound words are some of the things that keep his fans coming back for more.

So, if you want to get a glimpse into DJ Khaled’s different keys to success, make sure you read through our complete collection below.

Whether you’re a fan of his or not, we’re positive you’ll leave with multiple lessons to live by!

Start here.

And don’t forget to check out these Rick Ross quotes and Drake quotes.

Best DJ Khaled Quotes

1. “To succeed, you must believe. When you believe, you will succeed.”

2. “Always have faith. Always have hope.”

3. “They’ll try to close the door on you. Just open it.”

4. “There will be roadblocks, but we will overcome them.”

5. “People will try to bring you down, but you gotta go up.”

6. “You gotta water your plants. Nobody can water them for you.”

7. “Embrace your blessings, embrace peace.”

8. “God is the greatest. So, at the end of the day and beginning of the day, I thank God.”

Famous DJ Khaled Quotes

9. “The key is, to be honest. Be honest, but don’t play yourself.”

10. “They never said winning was easy.”

11. “The key is, never fold.”

12. “Watch your back. But more importantly, when you get out of the shower, dry your back. It’s a cold world out there.”

13. “They don’t want you to win. They don’t want you to have the No. 1 record in the country. They don’t want you to get healthy. They don’t want you to exercise. And they don’t want you to have that view.”

DJ Khaled Quotes to Inspire You

14. “It’s going to work out, stay positive.”

15. “You can never run out of keys.”

16. “I always make my dreams into goals.”

17. “The key is to make it.”

18. “Be a star. Be a superstar.”

19. “Those that weather the storm are the great ones.”

20. “God has blessed me because, I think, no, I know that I’ve been put on this Earth to make people happy, to inspire people, and to uplift people. That’s a beautiful thing. But the only downfall about it is that I really don’t have anybody to do that for me. But it makes me super strong because I do know that if I’m having a bad day, I can come up here and make Ebro and y’all laugh and smile.”

Also read: J. Cole Quotes

Wise DJ Khaled Quotes About Life

21. “The key is to enjoy life, because they don’t want you to enjoy life.”

22. “In life, everyone has a choice. The key is to make the right choice.”

23. “Life is amazing. Always give thanks no matter what.”

24. “They kick you when you’re down, but they wanna kick it when you’re up.”

Also read: Quotes to Live By, Positive Quotes

DJ Khaled Quotes on Love

25. “Love is the most powerful thing in the world, and you know what, love brings is joy.”

26. “I’m all about peace. I’m all about unity. I’m all about love.”

27. “I know love is the answer.”

28. “Keep people around you that are going to uplift you.”

29. “My son is two weeks old today. The minute he came into my arms and looked at me it changed my life. Literally changed my life. When I say changed my life, I mean he showed me love. I thought, I know, the word love, there is no way to describe this love. It’s so powerful.”

30. “Love to everybody who is out there progressing and taking things to the next level.”

Also read: True Love Quotes

DJ Khaled Quotes About Success

31. “Stay focused and secure your bag, because they want you to fail and they don’t want us to win.”

32. “When you stop making excuses and you work hard and go hard you will be very successful.”

33. “My fans expect me to be greater and keep being great.”

34. “I’m gonna go hard no matter what because I gotta feed my family and I gotta feed myself.”

35. “Key to more success is a clean heart and a clean face.”

36. “All I do is win, win, win—no matter what.”

37. “Winning, to me, is easy. Winning more is the challenge.”

38. “Walk with me through the pathway to more success.”

39. “That’s when you know you’re the greatest—when you’re the greatest, and people still put odds against you.”

40. “We go hard. In everything we do, we’re going to accomplish our victory and our goal. If it takes a day, a year, or 20 years, we’re going to win. I haven’t taken a loss because everything I’ve done has been a working process to win. From being a kid on their turntables to becoming where I am is not a loss. It’s a blessing.”

Also read: Lil Wayne Quotes, Meek Mill Quotes

Short DJ Khaled Quotes

41. “I’m not ashamed to say I fear something.”

42. “The key is that I’m the king.”

43. “Key is never be afraid of being yourself. Never!”

44. “We gonna win more. We gonna live more. We the best.”

45. “I can deal with everything. I got the answer for anything.”

Also read: Pitbull Quotes

Do You Have It in You to Succeed and Reach Your Dreams?

Among the many forms of art and expression, music might be one of the most relatable. It provides people with an outlet to let out their deepest and innermost feelings. Through music, we are also reminded that even the most successful ones at the top also experience the same hardships and struggles we do; after all, we’re all human.

This is what makes DJ Khaled loved by many. He’s indeed successful and famous, but he doesn’t forget about the challenges he had to face to break through life’s hardships. Moreover, he continues to share his keys to success and a more fulfilled life through his words and music.

Through him, we understand that life will continuously test us, but we have to remain laser-focused on what we have to do to rise above it. Different types of people will surround us, but we must be aware that not everyone has good intentions and genuinely wants us to succeed. So, we must find the ones who are faithful to us and stick with them through thick and thin.

Undoubtedly, DJ Khaled’s music is more than just a tune we can sing and dance along with. His works give us meaningful lessons and insights into his experiences we can all live by. With that, we hope this list of DJ Khaled quotes was able to inspire you and guide you toward the right path to take in life.

Which of DJ Khaled’s songs is your favorite? Did you find a quote you can relate to? Comment below!

Karen Danao

Hi, I’m Karen, a content curator and writer for Quote Ambition; I’m also a marketing and advertising professional. Beyond the keyboard and the screen, I’m someone who’s out to enjoy every bit that life has to offer!

Poetry, philosophy, history, and movies are all topics I love writing about! However, my true passion is in traveling, photography, and finding common ground to which everyone from different cultures can relate.

With the many places I’ve been to, I found that love, inspiration, and happiness are some things that bring people together. No matter how different we are on the outside, I’m a true believer that our emotions don’t lie; if you dig deep into our psyche, we’re all the same inside.

This belief was further amplified when I joined Quote Ambition. Through the quotes I’ve read, collected, organized, and written about, I found that humans are resilient, creative, and compassionate.

We take from each others’ hearts and courage, and it’s through our individual experiences that we learn how to rise above our challenges and pain. In so many ways, Quote Ambition is a platform that allows people from all over the world to gain the inspiration they need anytime, anywhere!

You can find me on MuckRack and LinkedIn.