50 Cookie Monster Quotes for Everyone With a Sweet Tooth

Let these Cookie Monster quotes satisfy your hunger for sweet and funny lines that’ll make you feel nostalgic about the best days of your childhood!

Life won’t always be sweet; sometimes, it’s sour and even bitter. It will always make us question our own identity, more so if our difference stands out.

But, no matter how unique our appearances are, stand tall, look up, and be proud of yourself! 

Just like the creature with big eyes and fluffy blue fur, Cookie Monster indeed has more to offer other than eating cookies.

He taught us to be content and continuously express gratitude to the people around us. He might not be a big star like Elmo, but Cookie Monster certainly left a mark in our hearts.

So, whether you’re a big Cookie Monster fan or not, these quotes will definitely entertain you.

Make sure you don’t miss out on this classic by reading through to the end!

Start reading here.

And check out these Sesame Street quotes and Kermit the Frog quotes.

Best Cookie Monster Quotes 

1. “Count your cookies, not your problems.”

2. “Home is where heart is. Heart where cookie is. Math clear: home is cookie.”

3. “Today, we will live in the moment unless it’s unpleasant, in which case me will eat cookie.”

4. “That what wrong with the media today. All they have is questions, questions, questions. They never have cookies.”

5. “No cry because cookie is finished. Smile because cookie happened.”

6. “It’s good to be alive.”

7. “Life not all guessing games, Frog.”

Famous Cookie Monster Quotes 

8. “I’d give you a cookie, but I ate it.”

9. “Resist the urge to panic and eat cookies.”

10. “When nothing goes right, go left.”

11. “Early bird gets the worm. But cookie taste better than worm. So me sleep in.”

12. “Chocolate chip important to me. It mean whole lot to me. Om nom nom nom.”

13. “Cookie is like high five for stomach.”

14. “Keep calm and eat cookies.”

15. “I’d do anything for a cookie.”

Also read: Famous Quotes

Cookie Monster Quotes That Zoom in on Friendship

16. “Speak softly and carry big cookie. Big enough to share with a good friend.”

17. “Companion an option that is superior to anything chocolate dessert. Maybe companion someone you surrender last cookie for.”

18. “Sometimes me think, what is friend? And then me say: a friend is someone to share last cookie with.”

19. “I wouldn’t trade you for all the cookies in the world.”

Also read: Elmo Quotes, Oscar the Grouch Quotes

Cute Cookie Monster Quotes That’ll Melt Your Heart

20. “I just took a DNA test turns out 100% cookies.”

21. “Me love to eat cookies. Sometimes eat whole, sometimes me chew it.”

22. “Me Cookie Monster. It’s just as simple as that. Me want to eat cookie. Here and there eat entire, now and then me bite it.”

23. “Me just met you, and this is crazy, but you got cookie, so share it, maybe?”

24. “Me sparing pie for tomorrow. Today about cookies!”

Cookie Monster Quotes to Understand His Undying Love for Sweets

25. “Cookie starts with C. Let’s think of other things. That starts with C. Oh, who cares about the other things?”

26. “Oh, and the moon sometimes looks like a C, But you can’t eat that.”

27. “Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C, yeah! Cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C, oh boy! Cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C!” 

28. “You know what goes great with cookies? Cookies.”

29. “One cookie never enough.”

30. “C is for cookie. That’s good enough for me.”

Funny Cookie Monster Quotes

31. “Onion rings are just vegetable donuts.”

32. “If sad, eat cookie. If still sad, talk to doctor. Sounds serious.”

33. “Me lost me cookie at the disco.”

34. “Me going to have a cookie when I completed the process of tweeting. So I wrapped up!” 

35. “April Fool’s jokes make me one focused on the monster. I need cookie.”

Cookie Monster Quotes to Better Appreciate His Character

36. “Who care if me eat carrot or collard greens. Me also like broccoli and lettuce, and lima beans. Me still Cookie Monster. That not a sham.”

37. “If you were a cookie, I’d be your Cookie Monster.”

38. “Three things me grateful for: cookies, cookies, and more cookies. My monster of basic tastes.”

Cookie Monster Quotes That’ll Make You Sympathize With Him

39. “Me wasn’t born with name Cookie Monster. It just nickname that stuck. Me don’t remember me real name. Maybe it was Sidney?” 

40. “Cookie Monster thief, not liar.”

41. “No get upset, okay? Don’t get excited. Me not fussy—just give me box of cookies.”

42. “My tummy in despair.”

Interesting Cookie Monster Quotes That Show His Unique Preferences

43. “This blue shirt I have is for all intents and purposes a similar shading as my pants, and looking all-blue is something just Cookie Monster can draw off.”

44. “I do my best to avoid dairy, particularly frozen yogurt. I’ve turned into a cookie monster at whatever point I need to mess around and eat something modest.”

45. “It’s my birthday today! Me going to celebrate with two cookie cakes! One cookie-molded cake, one cake-formed cookie. Consider every contingency.”

46. “I spare me the most loved cookie audit for last—a cookie in the current style! This cookie is warm with melty chocolate chippies however, cold with a yummy dessert. Alright, now me slobbering.”

47. “Me assessing all my cookies from me monster pound video! This phantom cookie simply likes apparition—it vanishes when I eat it! om nom.”

More Cookie Monster Quotes for Everyone Who Loves Him

48. “This year me concentrating on my self-care. When I need little love, me going to give myself cookie.”

49. “My most loved shape is a circle since I most loved sustenances are circles: pizzas, pies, and, obviously, cookies!”

50. “Me love poetry—and cookies!”

Did You Start Craving for a Cookie Too?

At first glance, Cookie Monster might seem like he only cares about one thing—cookies! But, true fans of Sesame Street know that he has the purest heart of them all.

When life’s darkness starts to cover your world, let Cookie Monster remind you that life can be sweet, too. Look at things positively, and look to your friends for help and support. Through time, all will fall into place.

The world may hurt us, but the only way to move on from the past is to pass on love, kindness, and maybe even a cookie. With that, we hope you were able to learn a thing from Cookie Monster about spreading the language of compassion everywhere!

What’s your favorite quote from Cookie Monster? Do you have any more quotes you’d like to share? Join the discussion below.

Karen Danao

Hi, I’m Karen, a content curator and writer for Quote Ambition; I’m also a marketing and advertising professional. Beyond the keyboard and the screen, I’m someone who’s out to enjoy every bit that life has to offer!

Poetry, philosophy, history, and movies are all topics I love writing about! However, my true passion is in traveling, photography, and finding common ground to which everyone from different cultures can relate.

With the many places I’ve been to, I found that love, inspiration, and happiness are some things that bring people together. No matter how different we are on the outside, I’m a true believer that our emotions don’t lie; if you dig deep into our psyche, we’re all the same inside.

This belief was further amplified when I joined Quote Ambition. Through the quotes I’ve read, collected, organized, and written about, I found that humans are resilient, creative, and compassionate.

We take from each others’ hearts and courage, and it’s through our individual experiences that we learn how to rise above our challenges and pain. In so many ways, Quote Ambition is a platform that allows people from all over the world to gain the inspiration they need anytime, anywhere!

You can find me on MuckRack and LinkedIn.