30 Big Mouth Quotes That Are Too Funny to Pass Up

If you or someone you know is struggling with puberty, these Big Mouth quotes will be the perfect solution to your problems!

Puberty and maturity are some of our lives’ most embarrassing and challenging times. Thankfully, we have shows like Big Mouth to help us answer our questions.

Big Mouth is an animated American coming-of-age sitcom that allows us to dive into topics like puberty, changes in the human body, and sex. These are all challenging to discuss upfront but are nonetheless necessary.

Discussing coming-of-age topics with humor and wit makes these profound topics much easier for the majority to understand. Apart from that, it’s also a great form of entertainment!

You might not understand every change that comes with puberty, so it’s better to learn from the hormone monsters themselves. Read on to find the best Big Mouth quotes!

And don’t forget to check out these Steven Universe quotes and Xavier Renegade Angel quotes.

Best Big Mouth Quotes

1. “We all have our own monsters, hormones, anxiety, depression, and hate. It’s all about how you deal with them. Your monsters are you.” – Nick Birch

2. “You know, Elliot, I’ve always acted like your softness was weakness, but now I’m beginning to understand your vulnerability is actually strength.” – Seamus MacGregor

3. “Smooches are for the weekend, and the last I checked, it’s Wednesday.” – Lars

4. “Hold your feelings in, like your sh*t.” – Maurice the Hormone Monster

5. “I mean, life sh*ts all over you like you’re a statue at a bird sanctuary.” – Matthew MacDell

6. “Look, I know this all seems embarrassing right now, but maybe one day, you’ll look back on this time fondly and perhaps even make something beautiful out of it.” – Maurice the Hormone Monster

7. “Well, of course, sexism sucks, but it’s really all a part of this whole crazy obsession you humans have with gender roles.” – Montel LaCienega-Beverly

8. “We hate camp. It stinks like trees. And the boy only likes to poop at home.” – Maurice the Hormone Monster

9. “This kid is a goddamn prodigy. I think he’s his own hormone monster.” – Maurice the Hormone Monster

Famous Big Mouth Quotes

10. “Between your rotten genes and your truly horrific upbringing, you still somehow ended up a good person.” – Matthew MacDell

11. “Puberty Fairy?! I’m the Hormone Monster. I’m no fairy. I mean, sure, I like to f*ck around with dudes, but I’m no fairy.” – Maurice the Hormone Monster

12. “I am scared and aroused—the chocolate and peanut butter of feelings.” – Andrew Glouberman

13. “If you whiny nobodies hate the play so much, just quit.” – Lola Ugfuglio Skumpy

14. “By the end of the semester, you’ll be eating your own ass.” – Maurice the Hormone Monster

15. “Love doesn’t back down; it doubles down.” – Nick Birch

16. “Goodnight, you prince of Westchester, you king of the tri-state area.” – Maurice the Hormone Monster

Funny Big Mouth Quotes to Add Color to Your Day

17. “They’re saying I’m a serial killer, but I’m just a chronic masturbater.” – Andrew Glouberman

18. “Oh, to be so horny, but so unlovable. It’s truly Shakespearean, darling.” – Mona

19. Nick Birch: “Is that a lit cigarette in your butt?”

Tyler Pico: “He calls it his ass-tray.”

20. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, quote, ‘Do one thing every day that scares you,’ closed quote, and I think this red bra scares both of us.” – Jessica Cobain Glaser

Short Big Mouth Sayings That’ll Never Get Old

21. “The water’s hot and slick as sh*t.” – Lola Ugfuglio Skumpy

22. “Sex should be a mutually pleasurable activity.” – Elliot Birch

23. “I live balls out, and I give zero f*cks.” – Jayzerian Ricflairian Bilzerian

24. “You somehow made farting even cooler.” – Maurice the Hormone Monster

25. “You’re the man.” – Rick the Hormone Monster

Big Mouth Quotes From Everyone’s Favorite Animated Series

26. “But please, don’t make me regret opening my heart to you.” – Missy Foreman-Greenwald

27. “You’re a man, Andrew, with a dick of steel and a gun for an ass. Go get ’em!” – Maurice the Hormone Monster

28. “Ah, yes, the feminine hygiene aisle. An entire section of the store designed to convince women their vaginas are repulsive in their natural state.” – Rita St. Swithens

29. “Hey man, I got a medical emergency, so I gotta bounce. Jack off twice and page me in the morning.” – Maurice the Hormone Monster

30. “The mons pubis? Oh, it’s the welcome mat at the pleasure palace.” – Jessica Cobain Glaser

Did These Big Mouth Quotes Open Your Eyes to the Reality of Puberty and Maturity?

Netflix has come up with many great shows and movies now embedded in pop culture. Big Mouth is one of the shows that hold a special place in people’s hearts, as it allows us to embrace the changes we see in our bodies, the feeling of embarrassment, and growth.

Let’s face it; we all felt shame at one point. We feel like we aren’t beautiful enough, aren’t skinny enough, aren’t fair enough, and so on.

Nowadays, people keep telling us that we shouldn’t be ashamed of our bodies; while that’s true, there are also times, especially in our younger years, when we just can’t help but feel that way. Big Mouth addresses this and tells us that it’s okay to feel shame; it’s a natural part of being human.

However, though that’s the case, we should never get stuck in that negative headspace. Accept and face that shame head-on, and remember that all bodies are beautiful in their own ways.

Everyone will go through puberty. So, it’s okay to feel embarrassed, ashamed, and even confused about the changes you see in your body.

But, at the end of the day, you must learn to love everything about yourself—all the embarrassing, shameful, and confusing things about you. So, don’t forget about the best Big Mouth quotes we’ve gathered above when you need reminders of these morals!

Karen Danao

Hi, I’m Karen, a content curator and writer for Quote Ambition; I’m also a marketing and advertising professional. Beyond the keyboard and the screen, I’m someone who’s out to enjoy every bit that life has to offer!

Poetry, philosophy, history, and movies are all topics I love writing about! However, my true passion is in traveling, photography, and finding common ground to which everyone from different cultures can relate.

With the many places I’ve been to, I found that love, inspiration, and happiness are some things that bring people together. No matter how different we are on the outside, I’m a true believer that our emotions don’t lie; if you dig deep into our psyche, we’re all the same inside.

This belief was further amplified when I joined Quote Ambition. Through the quotes I’ve read, collected, organized, and written about, I found that humans are resilient, creative, and compassionate.

We take from each others’ hearts and courage, and it’s through our individual experiences that we learn how to rise above our challenges and pain. In so many ways, Quote Ambition is a platform that allows people from all over the world to gain the inspiration they need anytime, anywhere!

You can find me on MuckRack and LinkedIn.